Auto | Home | Life
Auto Insurance
Auto insurance not only protects your automobile but also can help to restore assets that might be stolen, damaged, or lost. In some cases, auto insurance can protect you in the unfortunate event that you become involved in a lawsuit.
Deciding on the right auto insurance for you and your vehicle is an important decision. You need to make sure you have the best possible coverage available at a cost you can afford. Often times it’s the lowest cost, other times it’s the maximum amount of coverage. Adjusting limits as well as deductibles to match your needs may be an option to obtain what you need.
You need a personal insurance broker to sort it all out! YourLocalBrokers is an independent insurance brokerage dedicated to finding you the comprehensive insurance coverage you need at a competitive price.
Contact us today for an insurance assessment and free personal insurance quote.
Home Insurance
While most owners or condominium association insurance policies (master policies) cover the building exterior as well as common areas like hallways and entryways, they also cover elevators, boilers, roofs in order to protect the association from both liability and property damage. However, your individual condo or town home is your responsibility.
The articles of your condominium association or bylaws determine exactly what’s covered under the association's master insurance policy. These agreements will identify exactly where the association’s liability stops and where the liability on your unit begins. Your liability could include permanently attached fixtures, glass, drywall, doors, flooring, cabinets, appliances, as well as you personal property and liability.
To protect your belongings and yourself, you should purchase a Condo Insurance Policy (HO-6 policy) that is designed for condos and co-op apartments. You should purchase a Condo Insurance Policy (your renters should have an HO-4 policy) if you own, but rent your unit too. Many people discover too late that they are not adequately covered by their association's insurance policy.
You need a personal insurance broker to sort it all out! YourLocalBrokers is an independent insurance brokerage dedicated to finding you the comprehensive insurance coverage you need at a competitive price.
Contact us today for an insurance assessment and free personal insurance quote.
Life Insurance
Purchasing life insurance is one of the most responsible things you can do. By doing so you prepare in advance for the future and you’ll have the peace of mind that your family will be protected. The most common purpose of life insurance is to protect the financial stability of one's family or friends in case of a wage-earner's death. But that is not its only use.
Life Insurance Can Be Used For
Your child’s education
Funeral and other related expenses
Estate protection
Mortgage protection
Retirement funding
Protecting a business against the loss of a key employee
Life Insurance Comes In Many Forms
Term Life Insurance is for temporary simplified coverage and no cash value.
Whole Life Insurance is for permanent coverage, with guaranteed premiums, death benefits and cash value growth.
Universal Life Insurance is for permanent coverage, flexibility and less emphasis on cash value.
Variable Universal Life Insurance is for permanent coverage, and potentially higher cash value through investment options, but you accept some risk.
Survivor-ship Life Insurance is for lifetime protection for two people that pays a benefit upon the passing of the surviving insured.
You need a personal insurance broker to sort it all out! YourLocalBrokers is an independent insurance brokerage dedicated to finding you the comprehensive insurance coverage you need at a competitive price.
Contact us today for an insurance assessment and free personal insurance quote.